It was bought from the bank by the Khotin family of businessmen, and it became the basis of their oil company Dulisma.

It was bought from the bank by the Khotin family of businessmen, and it became the basis of their oil company Dulisma. In 2019, Alexei Khotin, who was doing business with his father Yuri, was detained by the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs on suspicion of embezzling 7.5 billion rubles from his own bank, Yugra.

Shareholder. Brown gold

Anna Bereznyakova’s departure from the post of director of the Dutch Aman Munai Exploration BV can hardly be called a dismissal; rather, it is a transition to a new quality. In 2016, the girl becomes the sole owner of the Dutch company Karazhyra Holdings BV with a share capital of € 100.

Soon this company gets 49.9% in Karazhyra JSC .

The Kazakhstani company was not originally a joint stock company: in December 2002, the structure was registered as Karazhyra LTD LLP and received at its disposal a coal deposit of the same name on the territory of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

Only in 2016, the company re-registered as a joint-stock company with the following distribution of shares: American Demex LLC received 80% in it, dollar millionaires Vladimir Dzhumanbaev and Eduard Ogay — 10% each .

A year later, the share of the American partner was divided. Anna Bereznyakova’s Karazhyra Holdings BV gained control of almost half of the company, Dzhumabaev and Ogay increased their shares to 20%, and the new shareholder Yerlan Nigmatullin , former senator and brother of Majilis chairman (then and now) Nurlan Nigmatullin , got 10%.

In 2017, the company received a net profit of 2.8 billion tenge, and a year later it almost doubled — to 5.1 billion tenge. Apparently, thanks to these funds, the capital of Karazhyra Holdings BV increased in 2018 from € 100 to € 2.2 million.

In February 2020, Anna Bereznyakova’s company transferred 49.9% of its shares to the children of Eduard Ogay, Elina and Vladimir . At that time, the market capitalization of the company on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange was estimated at about 13.5 billion tenge or $ 32 million. Formally, by that time, Bereznyakova’s share was slightly more than $ 15 million.

Beneficiary. Gold

Anna Bereznyakova’s exit from the coal business did not end her career as a Kazakhstani millionaire. Now its most valuable asset is the gold mining JSC AK Altynalmas . And this is already a really serious business with a capitalization of $ 362 million, in which Bereznyakova owns 59.97%.

Kazakhstan, according to the World Gold Council, ranks 15th in the world in terms of precious metal production. Last year, 78.5 tons of gold were extracted in the republic — the third place after Russia and Uzbekistan in the post-Soviet space. The authorities of the republic reported about 111.5 tons of gold, but, apparently, the volumes of the already refined metal were also included here.

Be that as it may, over 10 years the volume of extraction of precious metals in Kazakhstan has grown, again according to the World Gold Council, 2.5 times — from 29.9 tons to 78.5 tons.

As Kazakhstani Forbes wrote in its review, due to the difficulties associated with gold mining in the republic at the first stages after Kazakhstan gained independence and the beginning of the privatization of gold-bearing areas, interest in them was mainly shown by large foreign players.

Control over the largest in the republic Vasilkovskoye field (reserves — more than 360 tons) in 2000 went to the Dutch Floodgate Holding BV , behind which were Israeli businessmen Lev Leviev and a native of Ukraine Arkady Gaidamak. In Kazakhstan, they are known for their chemical projects, and in the rest of the world for their arms trade. In 2009, a French court sentenced Gaidamak to 6 years in prison in absentia for illegal diamond trade. In Kazakhstan, partners tried to modernize Vasilkovsky GOK (VGOK), but could neither find funding nor organize the work. Five years later, they scrapped their projects in Kazakhstan.

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