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Fully automatic Coagulation Analyzers

XL 1000C

The Most Affordable and Compact, Fully Automated Coagulation Analyser System designed to perform routine Coagulation testing of upto 50 samples/day. XL1000c also supports special assay testing including D-dimer, Fibrinogen, lupus testing, factor assays protein-C, Protein-S etc.

Semi automated coagulation analyzers
Fully automatic Coagulation Analyzers

XL 1000e

XL 1000e is a fully automatic blood coagulation analyzer using Dual technology for clot detection and thus supporting wide range in hemostasis testing. XL1000e has a throughput of 120T of PT/Hr and suitable for labs with sample workload of 40 and above per day.

fibrinogen testing
Fully automatic Coagulation Analyzers

XL 1000i

A four channel entry level automation most suitable to replace the semi-automated systems. Supports all clot based assays, Onboard QC files, built-in refrigeration for reagents and level sensing probe having a throughput of 60T/hour.

Standard accessories

coagulation machine for home use
Fully automatic Coagulation Analyzers

XL 3200T

Fully Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzer :Operon XL-3200 is a true walkaway system,combining many technologies in one with 10 independent measuring channel,continuous automatic loading and discard of cuvettes.

Standard accessories

hemophilia testing
Fully automatic Coagulation Analyzers

XL 3690

XL 3690 is an 10 Channel, automated coagulation system (floor model) with integrated PC. It combines many methodologies to support Mechanical Clot, Chromogenic and Immunolatex testings with a Throughput: 600 T/Hr. 60 Sample and 58 Reagent positions, the reagent position also have the function of manual setting and positioning. Double probe for max efficiency and speed. Also comes with Integrated barcode and supports LIS.

Standard accessories

Coagulation controls