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Immunoassay Analyzers


The system boasts a throughput of 180 tests per hour (T/H) and features a sample rack with a maximum of 90 positions. It includes a disposable tip design equipped with intelligent functions. Additionally, the multifunctional reagent disk module allows for reagent on-board loading, enhancing the overall efficiency and functionality of the system.

CM 180
Immunoassay Analyzers


CM-320 Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer uses a modular design with a single module capable of a throughput of up to 320 T/H. The modular design allows a combination of 1 to 4 modules offering a maximum throughput of 1280T/H with each module capable of independent testing without any interference between modules.

CM 320
Immunoassay Analyzers

Maglumi 800

Maglumi 800, is a chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) System with a throughput of 180 tests per hour, capable of performing more than 166 parameters.

It works under the technology of ABEI and Nano magnetic microbead which enhances stability and sensitivity of Maglumi reagents thereby providing accurate results.

automated coagulation analyzers
Immunoassay Analyzers

Maglumi 2000

Is an advanced CLIA system designed for high throughput labs manufactured by Snibe. It can be converted into floor models (comes with an integrated computer for easy programming and testing options). Maglumi 2000 delivers a throughput of up to 180T/Hr and comes with single/double probe for superior quality testing.

Coagulation devices
Immunoassay Analyzers

Maglumi X3

The MAGLUMIĀ® X3 fully automatic analyzer is designed for quantitative and qualitative in-vitro diagnosis. It is one of the highest space efficient CLIA analyzer with throughput of 200T/H. It has a smaller and higher space efficiency which is up to 290T/Hr. Through CLIA test menus different needs for immunologic diagnosis can be adequately fulfilled.

Best coagulation analyser