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Biochemistry Analyzers
Semi Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer
Product Features
Indian design and manufacturing
Dual mode (Flow cell & Cuvette)
Low reagent consumption
Consistence and reliable results.
Intuitive user interface
Extended lamp life
Low maintenance.
Technical Specification
Photometric module: Seven narrowband interference filters
Filter wavelength: 340, 405, 505, 546, 578, 630 and 670nm (one open position for optional filter)
IAD process ensures long filter life.
Wavelength accuracy: ± 2 nm.
Silicon photo diode detector.
Absorbance range: 0.0 to 3.0 A
Resolution: 0.0001 Absorbance units
Photometric Drift: <5 mAbs/30min
CV: < 1%
Temperature of flow cell/ cuvette: 25 °C, 30 °C, 37 °C
Temperature stability: ± 0.2 °C
Display: 5.7-inch LCD display screen with high contrast display.
Keyboard: Tactile touch QWERTY keypad and visual indication on keypad during aspiration.
Printer: Internal 80mm thermal with full graphics printing.
Reaction volume: Minimum aspiration volume- 300µL and Maximum aspiration
Volume- 5ml
Dimensions: Length- 422mm, Width- 324mm, Height- 176mm, Weight- 6.5Kg.
Analysis method: Endpoint, Fixed time and kinetics
Sample blanking and reagent blanking
Direct absorbance measurement mode
Test profiles: 10 tests can be added in each profile.
Test channels: 48 dedicated assays, direct access keys for dedicated assays, Open channel capability,
200 programmable channels.
Data management: Storage of up to 10,000 test results, Store 30 days QC for each assay, Reagent blank storage.
Reports: Search by date, sample ID or test name, calibration reports and QC results.
Units: 15 pre-defined measurement units
QC and calibration: Daily and monthly QC with data archiving.
Interface: RS 232 port, USB port and PC connectivity (Optional)
Power: Input voltage range: 88-264 VAC
Frequency range: 47- 63 Hz.
Power consumption: 75 W max.